Young Conservationists in Kenya



Young Conservationists live and breathe conservation, culture and adventure for two weeks.

Every morning and every evening, the agenda will incorporate wildlife-based activities such as game drives or guided walks so that the students can fully understand the value of what we are learning to protect. The rest of the day will be used for projects, site visits, and lectures with conservation professionals.

Thanks to a generous grant, this year we are proud to offer scholarships to local Kenyan students. This will greatly enhance the value and mission of the experience.


AS a Young Conservationist at Lewa, you will…

  • Tour the radio room with the Security team and discuss anti-poaching strategies

  • Engage with local students doing a project at a Lewa-sponsored school

  • Go into the field with the anti-poaching Ranger team and watch the tracker dogs at work

  • Discuss reporting and research methods with the Research team and assist in analyzing data

  • Work with Lewa’s Communications team to brainstorm marketing, media and outreach ideas

  • Jump into fresh mountain waterfalls and walk through the treetops in the Ngare Ndare forest

  • Learn about the importance of Community Development and visit a local water project

  • Visit an authentic Maasai village and learn about their cultural traditions

  • Experience Lewa’s lodges and discuss the importance of tourism for conservation

  • Visit businesses started by community members benefitting from the micro-lending program

  • Tour Lewa’s medical clinic with the physicians

  • Discuss big-picture ideas with Lewa’s CEO

My time as a Lewa Young Conservationist was phenomenal. During my two weeks in Kenya, I learned not only about myself, but also the world around me and how I could use my career to better it. I can improve the world with what I learned about conservation efforts through this program. I saw extraordinary things, met extraordinary people, and made extraordinary memories. I’ll always be happy that my trip to Lewa changed my life.
— Victoria, Young Conservationists Alumni